The buildings along the street create shimmering silhouettes, communal gardens and within the boundaries of common high quality environment.
The buildings take on new freedoms in relation to the road edge, making continuity in the short trees with the largest green park, filtering the dynamic space between the more compact structure of the urban landscape to the east and west of the park.
The performance of the buildings moved to the interior of the block, the eave line is not constant, large terraces and balconies overlooking the open courtyards that give rhythm to the facades facing the park and the theme of the wall, the towers and the fragmentary to the urban fabric and to the road layout, give rise to a new urban environment comfortable and varied, which transformed into an abstract form and space scale of Rome’s historical background of the new park.
The green of the park and residential gardens spread over the face, it reaches and fills the shell, takes precedence over roads and parking needed.